Mercaz High School


It's Just Part of Us

The students in the Mercaz Filmmaking course explore their own Jewish identity through documentary filmmaking. By turning the camera on themselves and their peers, they attempt to find ways to describe their contemporary experience of being a Jewish teenager. Through interviewing adults, based on their own questions, the students discover the contrasts to their own perspectives that may offer avenues for future reflection and growth.


Anna Bailes
Sallie Cohen
Jake Fisher
Isabella Guttman
Maddie Hall
Rebecca Kahn
Liam Reis
Elise Speigel
Alex Weisser
Samantha Wolkoff

Daniel Bogard
Marc Fisher
Leah Garber
Ruth Kerbel
Ida Monches
Lou Olenick
Herman Saltz
Ruth Schwartz
Bellign Sivitz
Nelson Weiss
Louis Weisser

H. Michael Sanders
Andrea Rahtz
Brett Stern

Music by Mitch Cohen

Executive Producer
Dara Wood - Director of Mercaz

Copyright © 2010 Mercaz Conservative Hebrew High School



Be a Part of Us! Just Picture it, You at Mercaz!

Just Picture It. You at Mercaz on Sunday nights with your friends taking exciting hands-on courses like our Filmmaking course and our new "Paint Your Jewish World" course. If you think Hebrew High School is boring, think again! At Mercaz we are engaging teens with new experiential courses infusing the arts with Jewish learning. We offer courses for all levels and interests, including Krav Mgaw Israeli self defense, Jewish Legal Eagles, Sim Judaism, Rock the Planet, Tikun Olam Repairing the World, Hebrew, and more. Check out this semester's courses HERE.

Be a part of us. Just picture it, you at Mercaz!

Contact our director, Dara Wood for a tour or more details at
513-792-5082 ext. 104



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